It’s close enough to say that, right? I think it is. Something that’s always bothered me is how certain words or phrases ebb and flow in their use and popularity. For instance, many years ago I had never heard the word fete. Then, as if orchestrated by Ed Harris for my own personal broadcast, there it was. Fete everywhere. Everyone was being feted. People were talking about fete. It was on the news and in my ears. Everywhere. You get a fete and you get a fete, Oprah was probably saying. Then, this year, it’s writ large. Everyone wants everything writ large. And like most things of popularity, some people are using the term in the wrong manner. Like, I pumped gas last night, writ large. That’s not right, and it bothers me. So today, I promise you I will not use either term in the new year, and for that, we can all be feted, writ large.