The new winter issue is now available. Perhaps you’ve grabbed a copy around town, or perhaps a mailed copy has found its way to your mailbox. If neither of those have occurred and you’d like an issue, just shoot me a note and I’ll happily mail you a copy. If you’re content to read the magazine on your computer, the sixteenth issue is linked right here. The magazine is formatted a bit differently than my typical issue, with more data and fewer ads and even fewer stories. But alas, it’s done and I’ll now take a millisecond off from thinking about my magazine before I start thinking about creating the 2024 summer issue…

Would love to have a copy of your Winter Edition 2024.Issue #16 I have been looking for it but have not yet come across a business that had copies. Any suggestions?
Greg Kosin
531 Wilmette Rd
Williams Bay WI 53191
Thank you.