Seasonality is dead, or so I like to tell my clients. This chart below helps show the smoothing of activity for the most recent five year period when compared with that activity from two decades ago. Historically, Q3 saw peak quarterly activity as deals inked during summer are closed, while Q1 reflected the winter slowdown caused by the quieter holiday period and thoughts of sitting on a pier lakeside being removed from our thoughts. While this seasonal pattern still exists, it is far less pronounced than it was when I started my career in 1996. Seasonality, while still apparent, is all but dead. Sellers can now choose to list based on the market conditions while ignoring the weather. This is why you won’t see me on a golf course in Florida during the winter. Also, you won’t likely see me on a golf course in the summer, but that’s just because I don’t really like golf.

As with all of the charts and graphs you’re viewing this month, they’re available in print form in my latest issue of Summer Homes For City People. It’s available on newsstands through March. It’s the best magazine Lake Geneva has to offer, and I do hope you like it.
Data pulled from MLS and known sales, single family residential with private frontage only. Data 1/1/22 through 12/28/22. Information deemed reliable but in no way guaranteed.