If you’re looking to establish a vacation residence in the Lake Geneva area, look no further than two very affordable Lookout units at Abbey Springs. Abbey Springs is currently in the final stages of a massive renovation, a renovation that promises to increase the level of owner enjoyment for generations to come. These two units, priced at $244k and $269k respectively, provide an entry level price point to get in to Abbey Springs and enjoy all that both the association, and the greater area have to offer. Abbey Springs consists of condominiums and single family homes priced from $200k to $1.8MM, and is unrivaled in Southeastern Wisconsin in terms of amenities and natural beauty.
Just imagine, a quick trip on a Friday afternoon to your own private vacation getaway in Lake Geneva. Perhaps a relaxing dinner at the lakefront yacht club on Friday night, and the weekend is just beginning. Saturday you could play a round of golf at the Abbey Springs golf course, grab a bite to eat at the Grill, and spend the afternoon lounging at the lakefront beach. Then again, if you’re like me, nothing can beat a nice Saturday afternoon nap back at the condo. Host some friends for dinner on your deck Saturday night, and do the whole thing over again on Sunday. Maybe breakfast in town, and a long walk down the lakefront shorepath on Sunday. It’s a great way to spend your weekends. Trust me.
Both of these units are priced to sell, and would be available with quick 30 day occupancies. Come on up for a tour of the entire Abbey Springs property, and a private tour of these and any other units you’d like to see.