George Williams College Part Two

My last post regarding the George Williams College redevelopment plan was met with some interesting replies.  While a vast majority of Williams Bay property owners and local stakeholders I’ve spoken with support the plan, there are plenty of those with opposing views who have deemed my endorsement of the plan to be disqualified due to the fact that I am representing the purchaser. I find it disheartening that after a lifetime of devotion to this community I could be labeled a selfish grifter who wishes simply to obtain a single pay check. I assure you that my opinions on development and my hometown have never been for sale, nor will they ever be. The same is true of my opinion of value on the lakefront and beyond. I have turned down tens of millions of dollars worth of business that I do not believe in. That doesn’t make me a rare hero of altruism, it just makes me honest.

With my involvement in this legacy effort, I’m simply working to champion what I feel is a windfall of both revenue and pride for my hometown and the greater lakefront community. CLICK HERE to view the Topography plan for GWC in more detail.  This once in a lifetime opportunity will either be realized or killed next Monday, December 9th, by the municipal board. 

There are those who suggest this plan is going to “change” Williams Bay. That this will be the beginning of the end for our small town way of life.   Did our small town way of life end when Geneva National built out 1200 homes less than a mile from our municipal borders? Did our way of life end when the World’s Largest Glass Christmas Tree brought in 20,000 visitors to Geneva Street in just one month? Did our village suffer intolerable congestion when there were more than 500 single family homes added to Theatre Road in the past 34 years? When Pier 290 was converted from old boat yard to bustling restaurant and bar with tens of thousands of summertime patrons, did we lose our sense of self? The obvious situation here is that a 68 room boutique hotel property will not only enhance our way of life and both protect and beautify our village, it will be a perpetual dose of revenue for the municipal coffers.  I personally care less about the municipal revenue than I do the concept of a world class hotel destination that will offer an elevated option in our current sea of crummy hotels and cheesy resorts.

We have a choice for this property. We either embrace a beautification project that promises to preserve 90+ acres of land for public use while lowering lakefront density and generating substantial revenue for town (and more than 100 full time jobs),  or we proclaim that we wish our lakefront to be monopolized by untaxed not-for-profit entities that will use our municipal infrastructure for free while building out all varieties of revenue models to help fund their untaxed lakefront parcels.  I choose the former, and I hope you’ll do the same. 

This week, Liam and the Topography team will be at Pier 290 on Wednesday at 5 pm for their last local meet and greet ahead of the December 9th meeting. If you’d like to meet Liam and ask questions, this is your chance. If you’d like to discuss this plan with me, I’m available anytime.  

Your support is needed to help our elected officials vote yes,  so please do take a moment to email the below trustees and clerk to voice your support. Without making your support known, the result next week is anyone’s guess.  Please send an email in support and plan to attend the December 9th meeting at the high school.

About the Author

I'm David Curry. I write this blog to educate and entertain those who subscribe to the theory that Lake Geneva, Wisconsin is indeed the center of the real estate universe. When I started selling real estate 29 years ago I did so of a desire to one day dominate the activity in the Lake Geneva vacation home market. With over $860,000,000 in sales since January of 2010, that goal is within reach. If I can help you with your Lake Geneva real estate needs, please consider me at your service. Thanks for reading.

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