All homes generally do one thing well. In the game of real estate, it’s usually that one thing that makes a house valuable, or otherwise desirable to at least one person. A vinyl ranch next to a train track sells because it does, admittedly, have a great back yard. It’s fenced and it’s nice, and there’s a tire swing hanging from the one tree. A studio condo has a kitchen that’s a bedroom that’s a dining room that’s a living room. Did you see the study? That’s the same room, too. But that studio apartment has a view of the lake to the East and the city to the South, so someone finds that view good enough and the condo sells. A run down house on the run down side of town hits the market. There is no flooring, no cabinets, no back yard. But, there is a nearby supply of Drano and a hardware store that sells batteries in bulk, so someone will buy it. All houses, no matter their variety, have something that makes someone want it.

What then do we do when a house has everything we want? Not just one thing, or two, or seventeen, but every single thing we could ever want? Well, if we’re in the market for that sort of property, we buy it. That’s what’s going to happen with my newest listing, 1014 South Lakeshore Drive, on Fontana’s most desirable shore. This home has so much to offer, it would be impossible, even for this verbose kid, to write them all down. Want a pier with three canopied slips on dead level frontage? Gotcha covered. Want a guest house, with ample garage space for your winter and summer toys- a garage that’s big enough but not so big that people text each other and ask if you’ve seen the size of that garage? No big deal, we have that here, too.

Lake Geneva offers two distinct sorts of upper bracket homes. We have newer homes, fancy and fluffed. Those are generally available on lots that offer some compromise. Cliff frontage, weird neighboring homes, small lots. Or we offer great lots with older homes. I have one such property available at 88 North Lakeshore Drive for $5.995MM. It’s a huge property, 5+ acres, with huge frontage, 232′, and a tennis court, a pool, a guest house, and on and on. But that home is far from perfect, as age has left at least some mark there. For a buyer seeking a marquee land purchase on a most perfect stretch of shoreline, there is no better value in the market. But what of buyers that don’t want a project? What of a buyer that wants a new home, with the fanciful things that those new homes offer, AND they want the land that suits such a property?

With a 2.8 acre manicured lot and 165′ of level frontage, 1014 is a lot of things, but it’s easiest to sum up what exactly it is:
It’s lakefront perfection.

This weekend, I’m showing the home to qualified buyers. The $7.95MM ask represents value far below replacement cost, and there’s literally nothing left to do to this impeccable home except buy it and love it. It’s a beautiful holiday weekend, and here’s the most beautiful holiday house you’ve ever imagined. For more information, email me, or call me if you’d like to hear what my voicemail greeting sounds like (262-745-1993). Here’s to the best Memorial Day weekend of our lifetimes. If you’re in town, look for my new magazine. If the place you’re at doesn’t have my new magazine, pound your fists on their counter and demand it.
Wow, if you have qualified buyers / searchers at that price level, congratulations to them. Tell me more about the Drano/battery house…