Lake Geneva Weekend

It’s like ground hog day, but the only thing I share in common with Bill Murray is an unfortunate love of the Cubs, and I too would have hated to wake up in Woodstock for that many days in a row (sorry Woodstock readers). It’s going to be another great weekend to visit Lake Geneva, but this weekend October 3rd and 4th, I’d like you to call me and spend an hour or five looking at some vacation homes. The weekend marks what is for me, the official start of the fall weekends. Our colors are probably not even at 10% yet, so it’s not really leaf watching time, but it is the start of another crisp Lake Geneva fall. The fall is my absolute second favorite time of year here, and this weekend you can come up to watch one of the coolest events that this lake has to offer. The Melges 24 Fall Regatta takes place this weekend on magnificent Geneva Lake. It’s a big deal, and racing begins around 10 am both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Now, the absolute best way to view these races isn’t from shore, although they do provide a idyllic and uniquely Lake Geneva back drop to a weekend walk around the shore path. The best place to view the races is from a boat. Now if only you knew someone with a boat who offered free boatrides…

If wind, water, and white sailboats with billowing sails aren’t your bag, well, if that’s not your thing you should probably just stay in the city this weekend. Maybe go watch a movie in a big theatre and hit the Olive Garden afterward. If watching sailboats glide and manuever over deep blue water isn’t your idea of a good time, there’s also the Lake Geneva Classic Car Rally this weekend. The event is hosted by the Geneva Lake Environmental Agency, and it’s their first time sponsoring this event. Saturday morning from 9 to 11 am, the cars will be viewable at the Lake Geneva lakefront, on Wrigley Drive. At 11 they parade their fancy selves over to the Lodge at Geneva Ridge, or Interlaken as I like to call it, where the cars will sit for a couple more hours. This is a classic car rally, so there will be plenty of old cars, but there also always seem to be a couple dozen Ferrari’s and for a kid who grew up with a metal model of a 1984 Ferrari on his bookshelf, that’s pretty darn cool. Sure an old 1940 something coupe is ok, but it’s not really my sort of cool. That’s the nice thing about this show, it has something to offer for anyone no matter what your preferred genre.

That’s sort of like Lake Geneva in general I guess. It really has something for everyone. This weekend, you can wander around downtown and shop. (Your collection of jeans is a little frightening). Or you can walk down the shore path where the only sounds you’ll hear are of boats on the water and the leaves crunching beneath your feet. You could get out on the water and cheer for your favorite Melges 24, or you could lust over old and exotic new cars. You could also visit my friends at the Royal Oak Farm Orchard and gorge on Wisconsin Honey Crisp apples, but that’s a post for next week, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Whatever your weekend looks like, just don’t tell me you’re going to a movie and dinner in the city because I don’t think I can handle that. See you at the lake.

About the Author

I'm David Curry. I write this blog to educate and entertain those who subscribe to the theory that Lake Geneva, Wisconsin is indeed the center of the real estate universe. When I started selling real estate 29 years ago I did so of a desire to one day dominate the activity in the Lake Geneva vacation home market. With over $860,000,000 in sales since January of 2010, that goal is within reach. If I can help you with your Lake Geneva real estate needs, please consider me at your service. Thanks for reading.

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