Happy Thanksgiving

As I spy the cut spruce trees stacked for sale outside this coffee shop, I ponder what they are, exactly. Holiday Trees, the sign says. I wonder how long before they come for Thanksgiving. After all, if we’re giving thanks, it must be to someone, or something, right? I suppose we could be thanking the Universe, or our dogs, and I’m sure there are those that insist these to be the proper recipients of our thanks. But we’re smarter than that, I think. Have a very happy Thanksgiving, and be sure to enjoy it before Thanksgiving is canceled.

About the Author

I'm David Curry. I write this blog to educate and entertain those who subscribe to the theory that Lake Geneva, Wisconsin is indeed the center of the real estate universe. When I started selling real estate 29 years ago I did so of a desire to one day dominate the activity in the Lake Geneva vacation home market. With over $860,000,000 in sales since January of 2010, that goal is within reach. If I can help you with your Lake Geneva real estate needs, please consider me at your service. Thanks for reading.

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