Entry Level Lakefront Market Update

Aside from one lakefront priced in the mid $2MM’s on the south shore of Geneva, I think the best values available in the Geneva lakefront market exist in the entry level price range. This entry level market has softened, as has the rest of the market, but the softening here creates a bigger impact than in other parts of the market. How so? It goes like this. If a house was worth $3.8MM at the height of the market and it’s not worth “only” $3.2MM, it’s still a $3MM purchase. Along those same lines, if a house in Country Club Estates was worth $380k, and it now sells for $315k, the impact of the reduction isn’t profoundly significant. These reductions where properties remain in the same relative price range and still appeal only to the same basic buyer are different than what has happened to some extent in the entry level lakefront market.

There was a time when the most economical (read: cheapest) lakefront home on Geneva was priced right around $2MM. This was a difficult time to be an entry level buyer, which is not news to someone who was indeed an entry level buyer during that time. That brief, but agonizing span of time, gave birth to the rise of off-water sales in the $1MM+ range. If lakefront was going to cost $1.9MM, and the home that was one off the lake with slip and view was available for $1.1MM, it seemed like a reasonable idea at the time to buy that off-water home and realize $800k in “savings”. Fast forward to today and entry level lakefront has fallen to a range where I fully expect to see more lakefront sales in the $1.1MM to $1.3MM range, which is a wailing, drum-piercing cry from the previous required outlay of nearly $2MM. Buyers who want to spend $1.2MM are rarely the sort who feel like spending $2MM.

The MLS tells me that there are currently 8 lakefront homes priced under $1.8MM on Geneva as of this morning. The cheapest (read: most economical) is priced at $1.395MM though the property, located in the city of Lake Geneva, only has a small amount of frontage, albeit level frontage. Next up is a lakefront for $1.485MM, then the prices rice incrementally to just under $1.8MM. One entry level lakefront is under contract as of this morning- a home that I always liked and tried my best to sell over the past year. The lakefront is on the Cedar Point bluff, so the frontage is elevated, but the views are forever and the home has been significantly remodeled. This home, priced at $1.694MM was previously offered for around $2.2MM. That’s the sort of change we’re seeing in the entry level market, and I for one am happy for the improved motivation of these sellers.

While the market continues to slowly improve, I think the buying opportunities in the entry level lakefront market are going to persist throughout this year and well into the next. Buyers are present, but they’re still looking for deals, and the truth of the market is that even if these properties start selling more frequently in the $1.1MM to $1.3MM range, the sellers are still, for the most part, realizing a significant amount of appreciation. These entry level lakefronts were selling in the $550k to $750k range as recently as 1996, so the profit is still substantial, and for now we’re able to put off holding bake sales on behalf of these current owners. For buyers of entry level lakefront properties the ball remains in your court. Bouncing hypnotically slow. Up and down, lazily even. It’s right there, patient as ever, just waiting for you to do something with it.

About the Author

I'm David Curry. I write this blog to educate and entertain those who subscribe to the theory that Lake Geneva, Wisconsin is indeed the center of the real estate universe. When I started selling real estate 29 years ago I did so of a desire to one day dominate the activity in the Lake Geneva vacation home market. With over $860,000,000 in sales since January of 2010, that goal is within reach. If I can help you with your Lake Geneva real estate needs, please consider me at your service. Thanks for reading.

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Entry Level Lakefront Market Update

The one thing that you can be sure of is that if the market has an abundance of something no one will want it. If there is a car lot in Sometown, Wisconsin that has 39 red sedans for sale and just one white sedan, the buying masses will clamor for another white sedan. In fact, they’ll say that they’d buy a white sedan for more money than they’d pay for the red sedan, if only the dealer had a white one to sell. In the same way, in Anothertown, Illinois, if a dealer has 39 white cars and just one red car, the clamoring will be over red. Red, red, red. Everyone wants red. Except in the Wisconsin town, they hate red.


This is true in real estate as well, which is why today there are 10 lakefront homes on Geneva offered for sale under $1.5MM and no one seems to care. The offerings in this price range represent quality properties at very fair prices, and yet all the market does is clamor for more inventory in the $2.5-$5MM range. If only we had a nice, new home on a nice, wide lot, and if only we had that property come to market in the $4MM range. Then the market would be excited, and willing buyers would rush with fistfuls of dollars. They’d do this because they’ve been wanting it for quite some time and they’ve gone unsatisfied.

And yet there it is, the humble entry level market. The market that offers buyers the lakefront life, where value is not determined by the make of your range but by the width of your lakefront lawn. Entry level lakefront homes are generally limited, either by parking or by size, and often by finishes, but to sit on a white pier that’s all your own is a bit of magic. I’m assuming you’ve learned your lesson and you’re not going to be buying a lakefront house with a shared pier anytime soon. There have been plenty of those mistakes this year to last at least a decade.

No, the entry level lakefront will rarely leave your fancy city or suburban neighbors particularly stunned when they pull in the drive. There won’t be a ton of parking. There won’t be giant plastered pillars that impress those who are easily impressed by ridiculous things like giant plastered pillars. There won’t be long driveways lined with stone and filled with crushed imported granite. There won’t be garages for all of your guests’ cars. There won’t be any of that, so on the surface, your lake house will look humble and simple, unassuming and unimpressive.

But give those guests a weekend stay there, and they’ll leave knowing how privileged that weekend just was. That’s because a small lakefront vacation home beats a large off-water vacation home any day of the week. There is value here as well, as printing a lakefront home at a discount is always nice, but it’s especially nice when a $1.5MM lakefront home sells for $1.175MM. It’s even nicer when money is still cheap and appraisers- even the most rogue among us- will have no trouble justifying the obvious value. This is the golden age of the entry level market, and if you’re a capable buyer and you haven’t taken notice, please smarten up.

So far this year we’ve closed two entry level lakefronts under $1.5MM. Those being the copper top on Lakeview for $1.473MM and my sale on Shadow Lane for $1.4MM. Last year at this time we had closed just one entry level lakefront, that of a $1.4MM sale in the Birches (that was swiftly demolished). 2013 was a busy year for the entry level market, with 6 lakefronts in this segment closed before July 30th of that year. In 2012 there were 3 sales of that entry level nature. This year we’re not far off of that average pace, but the difference this year versus those years is that we have this glut of inventory, and that inventory is the reason opportunistic move-up buyers have a most rare opportunity.

If you need help seizing this opportunity, I’m your guy.

Above, the living room of my listing on Lakeview. $1.485MM. Boathouse, private H-slip pier.

About the Author

I'm David Curry. I write this blog to educate and entertain those who subscribe to the theory that Lake Geneva, Wisconsin is indeed the center of the real estate universe. When I started selling real estate 29 years ago I did so of a desire to one day dominate the activity in the Lake Geneva vacation home market. With over $860,000,000 in sales since January of 2010, that goal is within reach. If I can help you with your Lake Geneva real estate needs, please consider me at your service. Thanks for reading.

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